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identifying the assets and their values |
Monday, December 04, 2006 |
Apart from identifying the assets and their values, the starting point for such a risk assessment is what we call the threat agent: hurricanes, floods, fire, virus, intruder, ..., (spammer, employee, ...)
Then, vulnerabilities for each threat agent are defined, like thatched roof, lack of antivirus software, lack of entry-control, ...
As a result, you may define threats, like uncontrollable fire, virus infection, stolen devices or 'secrets', ...
Then you continue with probabilities, impacts, countermeasures, ... as you know it.
One source of confusion I have seen is the "difference" between threat agents and threats. Often, these are used as synonyms, which leads to confusion. At least from a computer security perspective, a threat agents exploits a vulnerability to realise a threat.
Good luck
by sec_ware
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posted by Security News Media @ 3:15 PM |