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Basic PIX configuration |
Sunday, December 03, 2006 |
Notice ‘pixfirewall’ now becomes ‘London’. Usually the firewall may be named after its geographic location, the service/project it is protecting etc. I look at it in such a way that if you have 3 different telnet sessions open to three different PIX’s you will always know exactly what you are configuring.
The hostname can be up to 63 alphanumeric characters in either uppercase of lowercase and defaults to ‘pixfirewall’ out of the box or when the ‘wr erase’ command is used followed by a reload.
The interface command differs per PIX operating system, in version 7 it acts much like a Cisco router and drops you in to the ‘config-if’ sub context. On version 6.3 and earlier the prompt will not change and the command should be issued all on the one line. For this paper we are using version 7
The Interface or ‘int’ for short is the configuration command we use to allow us to alter the configuration of the PIX interfaces. We can assign it an IP address, subnet mask etc from this sub context.
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posted by Security News Media @ 12:38 PM |