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Mod Clean-up: just a reminder |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 |
TAZ Forum :: A Computer, Gaming, and Social Network Community of Friends :: View topic - Mod Clean-up: just a reminder:
"The May 20th clean-up day is approaching...
as stated in other threads...a clean-up on the forums will commence on May 20th...
some forum mods will be summarily executed...others will become forum mods...and still others will get more forums...
if you have a preference for a particular forum or forums...or wish to be moved to another forum...or object to being's the time to post it...
foxy will be accepting bribes via PM between the hours of 8am and 10pm his time...he'll list his preferences in bribes later...
spank-you for reading,
Eg" |
posted by Security News Media @ 5:13 AM |